Wednesday, October 8, 2008

How To-32: "How to Restore an iPod"

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

How to Restore an iPod

Sometimes your iPod gets completely messed up, and a simple reset won't fix it. Blanking out your iPod and returning it to factory settings, ie restoring it, is often the only solution. Here is what you can do in times like this.


  1. Connect your iPod to your computer and attempt to sync your ipod.
  2. Backup all the files on your iPod onto your hard drive. Restoring your iPod will wipe out all your music.
  3. Download the latest version of iTunes from Since iTunes is set to update itself periodically, you probably already have the latest version already.
  4. From iTunes, click on your iPod name in the left navigation bar. It will bring you to the summary page.
  5. Click "Restore" on the updater and your iPod will restore itself to factory settings (also resulting in losing all of its music').
  6. Click the prompts to indicate that you really want to go through with this.
  7. Follow the instructions of the iTunes setup assistant. Let iTunes autofill it with music again and you will be set to go!


  • Make sure you use the iPod software or updater for your iPod model and it is the latest updater. If you do not know your model, go to the" rel="nofollow">Apple website and you will be able to figure it out easily.
  • Restore only if you absolutely need to. Note: Restoring is not the same as reformatting the Hard Drive. Never reformat the hard drive unless instructed to!
  • For more information on restoration and troubleshooting with your iPod, consult the "iPod Help" option under the "Help" menu in iTunes.


  • Performing a restore will erase everything on your iPod! Make sure you have your iPod music either stored on iTunes or backed up on an external hard drive or somewhere where you can get your music back.
  • When the iPod requests power give it to your iPod and do not disconnect it until the progressbar is gone. If you do so and your iPod battery runs flat during this process your iPod will end up being an expensive paperweight (Read: It's broken)!

Things You'll Need

  • iPod
  • Computer
  • Backed Up Songs

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Restore an iPod. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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