Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Free Online Tutorials-3: "Blogging"

This is for people who would like to have a blog of their own, but do not know how to go about it:

Before you start the Tutorials, here is a brief introduction of blog and blogging. Blog is a contraction of "Web log". It is a website, generally sort of online personal/public diary. It may be maintained by an individual or group of individuals, companies, professional bodies and for that matter anybody can have a blog. There is absolutely no restriction but for the requisite that you must have a valid e-mail-id. The wonderful part of it is, it is absolutely free, yes, you don't have to pay for your blog; why if you want you can have any number of blogs. There are many hosting platforms who offer free space, guide you in blogging and provide many exciting facilities, all FREE! One who blogs is a blogger and when you operate your blog, you are blogging. The world of blogs is Blogosphere.

To me, the most attractive hosts are and If you go to their portal, they will provide you step by step guidance and in a few minutes you will have a blog of your own.

Wikipedia has a detailed article on "Blog", which if you want you can peruse. Just click:

Now to the Tutorials. Any number of Tutorials are offered in the Net. I am providing links to a selected few, which you may make peruse and decide for yourself.

All the best!

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